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Jan, 2025

Registration Info - 2025 Season

As previously mentioned, the LaSalle-Peru-Oglesby leagues have recently approved to combine leagues. We are in the process of working with Little League International to finalize that combination. Our newly combined leagues will be known as the Illinois Valley Baseball League once approved by Little League International.
Peru's TBALL Division will NOT be combining with LaSalle & Oglesby, but all other baseball divisions (Instructional, Minors, Majors, Junior, Senior) will be. This combination also does not affect Peru Girls Softball.
You are able to complete the baseball registration process by clicking on the REGISTRATION tab.
TBALL: $55
All Other Divisions: $100
Multi-Child Discount: $25
We will not turn anyone away from registering; if you are experiencing financial difficulty, please reach out to us and we will work with you.
Additionally, we will be establishing dates for player evaluation clinics for specific age groups/divisions. Stay tuned for additional information regarding these clinics.
If you are interested in managing a team or serving as an assistant coach, please be sure to complete the custom question asking that when registering your child(ren) online.
To serve as a manager or assistant coach, you must pass a background check and complete the required Diamond Leader and Child Abuse Awareness trainings (offered online) per Little League International.
For any questions, please reach out to a board member and thank you in advance for your patience as we move to complete the combination of our league with LaSalle and Oglesby.

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